971.352.0194 [email protected]

Thank You


A Gift of Sunflower Seeds From Lena’s Produce Patties


Carolena Torres

Mammoth Grey Stripe Sunflower

Thank You For Stopping By

Advice from a sunflower: “Be outstanding in your field.”

April 29, 2022 is not only the day of the Good Food Mercantile Event in Portland Oregon, but it is also Arbor DayThe sunflower seed packets I distributed are my way of thanking you for sharing your positive vibes while visiting my table at the event.
Why a sunflower? Last summer, I noticed that at an early stage of blooming, the round center disk resembles a Lena’s Produce Patty. Over the season, developing seeds in the floret disk transform the previously flat disk into an eyeball with an iris (see photo left). Seeds from this sunflower nourish both animals and humans. Deep tap roots break up soil layers and add beneficial microbes. And, at present, sunflowers are a symbol of unity and peace. It is my hope that as you see these mammoth grey stripe sunflowers grow, you will remember the good vibes generated by Lena’s Produce Patties.*

The table below contains basic information about the sunflower seeds. The table and the seeds can be found on American Meadows website along with these planting instructions:  Planting Wildflowers (Sunflowers) in 10 Easy Steps  (courtesy of American Meadows website).

*Please Note: Lena’s Produce Patties do not contain sunflower seeds.


Common Name Sunflower Mammoth Grey Stripe
Botanical Name Helianthus annuus Mammoth Grey Stripe
Seed Life Cycle Annual
Light Requirements Full Sun, Half Sun / Half Shade
Flower Color Yellow
Bloom Time Summer
Mature Height 96-144″ tall (8-12 feet)
Wildflower Mix or Specie Species
Ships As Seed
Ideal Region Northeast, Southeast, Midwest, West, Southwest, Pacific Northwest
Zones 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Non-GMO Yes
Neonicotinoid Free Yes
Days to Germination 10-20 days depending on soil and weather conditions.
Days To Bloom Blooms in 100-110 days
Soil Type Sandy Soil, Loamy Soil, Clay Soil, Drought/Dry Soil, Moist/Wet Soil
Soil Moisture Dry, Average, Moist / Wet, Well Draining
Edible? Yes
Advantages Attract Butterflies, Easy To Grow, Attract Hummingbirds, Attract Birds, Bee Friendly, Deer Resistant, Low Maintenance, Good For Cut Flowers, Great For Mass Plantings
Additional Information Average flower size is 10-15″ but can reach up to 24″ across.


What People are Saying

“Air Fyer Patties”

I love that these patties can be heated in my air fryer then incorporated into almost any meal. My favorite is to crumble the patty onto a salad.

Lisa Engel, Sales Manager

“Landed on the Big Three”

Big Yum! Lena has landed on the perfect balance of the big three for me: flavor, texture, and “good-for-you-ness!” I had to have more. Ordered a case to be sent to my Atlanta home.

Karla Harris, Singer, Songwriter, Vocal Teacher

“Its Own Unique Flavor”

“Lena’s patty has its own unique flavor. You know? It is its own thing. It is like nothing else I have tried. I like it.”

Robert Hicks, Singer, Composer, Songwriter

“These Are Really Good”

“These patties are really good. You could sell these everyday in New York. This kind of thing is really big there. I’m not kidding. You’d have a crowd lined up around the block.”

Grant Richards, Musician

Reach Out!

Share the positive vibes!